Calculus — Curves

Nerd For Tech
Published in
2 min readJan 5, 2022


Curves can be defined Implicitly(indirectly) or parametrically. In case the curves are parametric we can specify coordinates like x=4 or x=y.

Quadratic Surfaces:

Prolate Spheroid: which is elongated(long) as a body of fish or it looks like a rugby ball. a = b<c

Oblate Spheroid: here the shape of an oblate spheroid appears like earth. however, an oblate is flattered at the poles. a =b>c


Hyperboloids: The shape of hyperboloids looks similar to a sand watch or myta power. Also, consider if a=b=c then the equation of an ellipsoid is negative.

Elliptic paraboloids:

  • It is linear.
  • Elliptic paraboloids appear like eclipses. In other words, if there is a bowel shape then it is considered as Elliptic paraboloids.

Hyperbolic paraboloids: have the appearance of saddle roof(horse belt)


Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Cylinders: which look like elliptic, parabolic, or hyper parabolic. It is 3 dimensional.

Thank you….

